Saturday, June 22, 2013

You've landed at the airport. Now:


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TAXI - VAN – These are air-conditioned, closed 12 to 15 passenger vehicles. Take one to get from the airport to Sapphire Village Condos, and to return to the airport.

As you exit the baggage claim area (pick up free maps, “This Week” magazine, etc) you will be hailed by a “starter-guy." Tell him, “Sapphire Village Condos." He will direct you to one of several Vans. There will be as many people in the Van as the driver can manage, storing your luggage in the back. You may have to wait through an interesting “tour” of the island as the driver drops off other passengers before you.

Cost: two people with luggage will be about $35, and drivers appreciate a tip. This is what we paid in January 2014. Like any good traveler, ask before you get in.

If you prefer a private taxi to take you from the airport, call a day in advance to make arrangements. We like Mr. Clement Charles. We'll be happy to give you his number. If he can’t make it, ask him to direct you to someone who can.

DIRECTIONS: Tell the driver that you want Sapphire Village Condos, specifying that you want the Condos, not Sapphire Resort. It can easily take a half hour to travel from the airport to the Condo. After turning off the main road at the big Sapphire sign, the driver needs to turn immediately to the right, toward the Condos. If he goes straight down the hill, he went the wrong way. The Resort has red roofs; Sapphire Village Condos' roofs are blue, as you can see in the photo at the top of this page. Then tell the driver to take you to Dominica building, which is right across from the Office and Laundromat. Take the stairs: one flight up, turn left… there you are, #182.

On the islands, before you start a conversation, even on the phone, it’s common courtesy and traditional to say, “Good Morning," “Good Afternoon” or “Good Night." Try it, it’s fun!

May we be the first to say - WELCOME TO ST THOMAS!!

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